Start your day with this morning ritual for champions: this breakfast will keep you full for a long time and provides an excellent foundation for a successful day! Level up your morning routine!
Get the foundation
The unbeatable combination of high-quality protein, carbohydrates and nutrients.

- Pour three parts boiling water over one part rice (or corn) pudding, stir and leave to infuse for 3 minutes.
- Add 30-50 g protein powder as required and season with Designer Flavour Powder - stir well.
- Now it's time for the toppings: peanut butter, for good fats and flavour, and frozen berries for vitamins. Done!
Tip: You can also easily prepare your winning breakfast as a vegan meal with the Vegan Designer Whey, which gives it even more volume and makes it even creamier.
Get even more out of your breakfast

Auch ein Protein-Porridge aus Oats mit Designer Whey bringt dich morgens nach vorne. Pepp deinen Porridge einfach ganz nach Gusto mit einem der vielen verschiedenen Designer Flavor Powder auf! Dazu darf ein eisgekühlter Flexpresso natürlich nicht fehlen.
Oder du schnappst dir eine Pfanne und brätst fluffig-leichte Protein Pancakes. Ganz easy mit unserem Protein Pancakes and Waffles Mix.